
Updates your copyrights… so you don’t have to!

$ gem install github-copywriter

Basic Usage

Update specific repos

$ github-copywriter MyCoolRepo MyOtherCoolRepo

Update all repos

$ github-copywriter --all

Do a dry-run

$ github-copywriter --all --dry-run

More Usage

Update all repos, excluding forks

$ github-copywriter --all --skip-forks

Update all repos to 2099

$ github-copywriter --all --year 2099

Update only branches: gh-pages and dev

$ github-copywriter --branches gh-pages,dev MyRepo


Please submit issues or feature requests here. Questions and comments are welcome as well. Checkout for more info.

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Under the hood

All GitHub API calls are made with Octokit.

Basic breakdown of the program’s logic:

  1. Authenticate to GitHub.
  2. Loop through each user repo given, and:
    • Update copyrights on files:, LICENSE, etc.
    • Create a local commit and push to GitHub.